The Runner

Do you have that one friend that is truly inspiring?

I was hiking on the Towpath in Cuyahoga Valley a few weeks back when a jogger raced by and all I could do was shake my head and smile. I thought of my buddy Clint who recently completed his first Boston Marathon.
When I went to college with Clint, we both had certain unhealthy lifestyle choices like most college kids. Fast food, late nights and partying became the routine.

As Clint went on to the stresses of Grad School, he reached his heaviest weight of 362 pounds and realized he needed a drastic change. He joined the gym, started a walking program and reduced his fast food. He met his beautiful girlfriend Genna and they started the Weight Watchers program together.
Clint started biking at the gym and then began running. He started out slow with 5K’s then moved to half marathons and then onto full’s. His next goal was to qualify for something that only 12% of marathon finishers can reach. The Boston Marathon.

At the Kentucky Derby Festival race which was his 7th full marathon, Clint reached Boston qualifying numbers with an astounding 6:48 pace.

On Patriots Day 2016, Clint finished the Boston Marathon in 3 hours, 19 minutes at a solid 7:36 pace. He fist pumped the last half mile of the race and started crying once he reached the finish line where he was met with his wife and newborn son.

In total, Clint lost 196 pounds! He was so inspiring that he was invited onto The Today Show as a testament to all of his hard work. (check out the link below)

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